Submit your stories to our Westerly Winds editorial team and get your work published on our website.
Westerly Winds is looking for writers to contribute to our online website publication. Our goal is to provide our readers with relevant and useful content and serve as a platform for writers to showcase their writing.
You can submit your original screenplay manuscripts and other unpublished, original pitches. Use query letters to pitch your ideas and article proposals. It must include an outline of your article highlighting the points you would like to make. Your query must also discuss how it can benefit our readers and why we need to publish your work.
Reputable and new writers are welcome to submit their unpublished drafts. All submissions must include a short bio of the contributor, plus publishing credentials and the writer’s website and social media handle, if there are any.
Writers are highly encouraged to write in their own style and unique voice. However, make sure to adhere to all the guidelines given.
Please send your submissions to our email at westerly@winds.com with the subject “submission” for review and approval. Once published, we will send a link to your published work in your email.